For some time the brethren of Coleman Street chapel had wanted to open a chapel near Chalkwell Park finally a small hall became available on the corner of Ronald Park Avenue. At a rental of 13/- a week. Starting from December 1910. The Hall was to be called the Gospel Hall Chalkwell Park.’ Meetings took place in this small iron church which had been brought from Southend on a horse drawn waggon, The church was affectionatly known as the ‘Tin Tab.’ When the new church was built the tin tab was moved back on rollers and used for extra church activities. This made space present church to be built in front of it. The new church opened in May 1924.and was named Alexander Gospel Hall after the the landlord and builder, Captain Alexander. The building could seat up to 300 people. The first Baptism was held in August 1924, eight people were baptised.
Some of the younger members started open air services in outlying areas, taking with them a portable harmonium, banners and hymn books. They held service in sthe surrounding streets and visited gypsey camps. They were given a tent to be used while working in Benfleet and Canvey. There was a thriving sewing class for the girls and woodwork classes for the boys. The children’s club had about 80 members and the Sunday School around 60.
The building was bought outright by the assembly in 1952. Some improvements were made at that time and the Tin Tab was removed.