Need help finding someone from in and around Southend-on-Sea?
We quite often get messages from people who’ve found our site as they’re looking to track down friends, trace former work colleagues, or find relatives from in and around Southend. We also often hear from people looking for help with their Southend-on-Sea Family History research.
To help anyone looking for Southenders, here are a few links to try, and some suggestions:
Locating Southenders
- BT Directory Enquiries – If they’re still local, try the phone book
- electoral roll – Try a search on the UK electoral rolls for recent years
- Friends Reunited – One of the best ways to find schoolfriends and colleagues
– Mainly aimed at family tree researchers, but useful for old BT phone books, and date/place of birth
Southend People Finder: |
Family members
We’re all curious about our roots – thanks to the power of the Internet, tracing your family tree is easier than ever before, and it’s possible to make contacts with family members. Here are a few useful links:
- Tracing your family tree – How to start tracing your roots.
- Genes Reunited
– Make contact with other family members and build your tree online.
- Family tree links – A page containing some useful links for tracing ancestors.
- Southend Library – Handy for research
Getting more help
Here are some other suggestions:
- Why not post a message asking for help in our Southend
forum ? With luck, your message will be found by the search engines, and someone will find your message and help out. - Try contacting either the local papers or the local radio stations to see if they can mention your cause.
- If you’re looking for old newspaper cuttings, perhaps as part of family tree research, see our Questions Page
Any suggestions for additions to this page? Please contact us
(Sorry, but we can’t help to track people down for you)
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Hello my name is Wendy Harrison former surname Bingham my granddad Albert sidney Bingham was from Southend on sea born 1918 looking for relatives related to him thankyou
my name is David samson, i am looking for anyone who know my dad, Benjamin samson in the 1970s. also looking for any relatives related to him. many thanks
Hi, I am trying to contact a local cafe owner called Jacob. He is a largely built man and I believe is of Eastern European heritage. If you know of him, could you please let me know the name and address of his cafe? Many thanks Jackie.
I’m trying to find the maiden name of my late sister-in-law. Tania. She was married to Mark Alan Sheppard in 1990. They had a son called Simon. She passed away suddenly when she was 30. Her mother’s name was Vera and both Tania and her Mum worked at Bailey’s fish and chip shop along the seafront by the Kursaal.
Hi I’m Richard Davison aka Bassett I went to Fairfax High 1978-82 looking for anyone in our year