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Southend Hospital Snippets
Maternity Unit (June 2007).
- Southend Hospital’s maternity unit is on the second floor in the Cardigan Wing (the West part of the hospital).
- There are three parts to the Maternity unit – The Central Delivery Suite, and two wards (Margaret Broom 1 and 2). If you need to call Central Delivery Suite, the number is 01702-221323
- Visiting hours for maternity: The following hours are for Margaret Broom (Maternity): 9-noon (partners only), 2:30-4pm and 6-8pm. Max number of visitors: 2 plus partner.
Car Parking (June 2007).
- There are two main car parks, West (Pay-and-display) or East (ticket-based, pay on exit). The charges in June 2007 are: £2 for two hours, £2.50 for four hours, or £4 for a day. Charges operate 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Bedside phone system (June 2007).
- Most beds at Southend Hospital come with a TV system installed by Premier Bedside – this offers TV, radio , telephone and Internet. To use the system, you need to get a card that slots into the bedside unit. It’s a pay-as-you-go card that you top up from machines around the hospital.
- To call into a patient in hospital from the outside world, you can dial 07003 400 010. You then need the four digit extension of the bedside unit. Dialling in costs between 40-50p a minute. Dialling out costs 10p per minute, and to call out, you need credit on your card.

Photo of the Bedside TV system
Southend General’s hospital radio station is on-air seven days a week – Weekdays from 6-10pm, Saturday noon till 5pm, and Sunday 10am-10pm. If you want a request on the station for a patient in hospital, call 01702-338181. From a bedside TV, call 4500. More on Southend Hospital Radio
Other Snippets
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