18th November 2010 saw the official launch of the Sarfend Visitor’s Book.
What is the Sarfend Visitors Book?
This is a book that visitors to Southend-on-Sea are encouraged to sign, and leave a message of their experiences of our town. A collection of the messages will be posted on the Southend Timeline website.
The book was the idea of ex-pat Brian Mendez, who now lives in Canada. Brian keeps in touch with Southend via our Sarfend Forum, where he’s known as alamotex. The book was covered and designed by Madelaine Murphy and Gwen Simpson.
It’s being hosted by the team of volunteers at the RNLI Gift Shop at the end of Southend Pier.
The Sarfend Visitor Book is designed to enable all people near and far to sign a common book; for some providing a real connection with online friendships.
Where is the book?
The book is located at the end of Southend Pier, in the RNLI Gift Shop
When was the Visitors Book launched?
The Sarfend Visitors Book was officially launched on the 18th of November 2010, when it was presented by the Mayor of Southend to the RNLI Gift Shop – where visitors will be encouraged to add their thoughts and memories.
Adrian, the owner of the Southend Timeline site arranged for The Worshipful the Mayor of Southend-on-Sea Councilor Ann Holland to attend, and the ceremony also included a video message from Brian Mendez in Canada, together with a live Skype call with Brian. Several members of the Sarfend Forum, including SouthendRoger, Nick, Lee plus Ossie from Southend Timeline and Pete from Sarfend.co.uk
Below, you’ll find a small selection of photos taken by us on the 18th of November 2010, at Southend Pier Head

The RNLI Gift Shop on the end of Southend Pier

Video feed of Brian, from Canada

Gwen and Madelaine from Artists Meet hand the book over to The Mayor

The team from Artists Meet show off the book’s designs to The Mayor

The Mayor, talking live to Brian in Canada, To the right, Adrian, a.k.a Ossie from our forum

Sarfend Visitors Book, held by the team at Madelaine and Gwen from Artists Meet, complete with a message from The Mayor

A couple of photos of the crowd watching the signing (with 2 x SouthendRogers!)

Message at the front of the book from The Worshipful The Mayor, Councillor Ann Holland

Message from Brian, explaining the book’s purpose, also at the front of the Visitors Book

The specially-commissioned cover of the Sarfend Visitors Book, in its shiny cover

A blank page from the Sarfend Visitors Book

Extract of press coverage from Evening Echo 19 Nov 2010
Sarfend Visitors Book Poetry!SouthendRoger from our forum prepared two special poems for the day. Here’s a recording of SouthendRoger reading his work, recorded at the end of Southend Pier Play audio as an MP3 (1MB MP3 File) or Play Audio using Pop-Up Media Player Need help? To listen to the MP3 file, simply click on one of the two links. With the first link, your web browser should automatically know that this is an audio file and open it with your computer’s media player. If it doesn’t, try using the second link, which opens a pop-up audio player – it may take a few seconds to load. |
Our thanks to Adrian (a.k.a Ossie) from Southend Timeline for the excellent preparation of the event, and for finding such an appropriate home for the book.
Remember, when visiting Southend Pier, make sure you make your mark!